Fabulous Faces Freddy- Style - WIN-PP-ADU-QLT-241

Fabulous Faces Freddy- Style


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Activity Details

Fabulous Faces Freddy- Style

Meeting Details

Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Days: Thu
Lake Metroparks Farmpark
8800 Euclid Chardon Road
Kirtland, OH, 44094


Ages 18 and older
Registration begins 2/5/2024 at 8:00 am.


You must be registered at least 17 days before the program begins.

Fabulous Faces Freddy- Style

All Levels, 1-day, sewing machine optional, supply list, Fee $73
Get ready for a class that's an absolute blast! You do not need to possess any artistic talents or be an experienced art quilter; all you need are your fabric scraps, a handful of fat quarters, a glue stick, and a trusty pair of scissors. This class kicks off with a simple 1-2-3 demonstration that will set you on the path to creating something truly special. Each participant receives personalized guidance to ensure their face-themed project turns out simply fabulous. In the afternoon, dive into the art of quilting and perfecting your projects, complete with additional captivating demonstrations. Lastly, explore the art of naming and storytelling for your unique quilts. Join in the opportunity to make your own 'Fabulous Faces' and memories that will last a lifetime!
Instructor: Jean Impey, min 10, max 18
Thursday, April 11, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
All classes have supply lists. Please make sure your class has met minimum registration or is confirmed to go if under minimum numbers before purchasing your supplies!



Charge When Not Billed:
Registration Fee - Individual (Standard Fee): $73.00
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