Lecture: CRE-A-TIV-I-TY and has Someone Stolen Yours - WIN-PP-ADU-QLT-244

Lecture: CRE-A-TIV-I-TY and has Someone Stolen Yours


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Lecture: CRE-A-TIV-I-TY and has Someone Stolen Yours

Meeting Details

Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Days: Sat
Lake Metroparks Farmpark
8800 Euclid Chardon Road
Kirtland, OH, 44094


Ages 18 and older
Registration begins 2/5/2024 at 8:00 am.

Lecture: CRE-A-TIV-I-TY and has Someone Stolen Yours

All audiences, 1-hour lecture, Fee $18
Prepare to be inspired and amazed! This lecture is an absolute game-changer for your quilting journey. Discover untapped wells of motivation and confidence you never knew you had. We are not just giving you the tools; we are unveiling the latest technology and techniques to turbocharge your quilting projects. From quicker production to impeccable quality, you will be taking notes because you will not believe how much you're learning. Worried you cannot be an art quilter because you cannot draw? We will crush that obstacle too. Join us, and you will see just how far your creativity can take you. Please Note: Lecture participants may arrive early to view the Quilt Show from 5pm-7pm.
Instructor: Jean Impey, min 30, max 100
Saturday, April 13, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm



Charge When Not Billed:
Registration Fee - Individual (Standard Fee): $18.00
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