Program Registration

Winter Parks Plus! program registration begins Monday, October 14 for Lake County residents. Open registration begins Thursday, October 17. Fall program registration is open.

To see current offerings and register for programs, please click the "Search" button below the Program Search Criteria box.

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If you do not have an account already, please click here to create a new account in this system.

Recommended browsers for our registration and reservation system are: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari.

WebTrac Activity Search

Search ResultsShowing results 1-1 of 1

Knee High Naturalist

Knee High Naturalist - WIN-PP-CHD-NATU-006

Being a Knee-High Naturalist has never been so much fun! This multi-age program includes a craft, activities, story, and hike.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Unavailable Unavailable Knee High Naturalist: Playful Pines 12/11/2024 -12/11/2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm W Children's Schoolhouse Nature Park Ages 2 to 5