Quilt Workshops

Quilts 2025 registration begins on Wednesday, January 22 at 8 am.

Beginner: Must know how to work own sewing machine and be familiar with sewing terms. No quilt experience needed.
Advanced Beginner: Confident beginner with rotary cutting skills and knowledge of quilting basics.
Intermediate to Advanced: Experienced quilter
All Levels: All levels welcomed. Can work at own pace. Information applicable to any level.

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Recommended browsers for our registration and reservation system are: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari.

WebTrac Activity Search

Search ResultsShowing results 1-4 of 4

Panel Palooza

Panel Palooza - SPR-PP-ADU-QLT-252

All levels, 5-hours, design class, no sewing, Fee $76.50
In this five-hour workshop quilters will take that panel they fell in love with and turn it into something truly unique. We'll discuss how to square up your panel segments, add interesting block treatments and borders and we'll cover the basics of graphing, adding coping strips and more, all guaranteed to make your panel project a success.
Instructor: Cyndi McChesney, min 10, max 18
Fri, April 11, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (includes 1 hour lunch break)
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Panel Palooza 04/11/2025 -04/11/2025 9:30 am - 3:30 pm F Lake Metroparks Farmpark Ages 18 and older $76.50/$76.50
Panel Palooza Trunk Show

Panel Palooza Trunk Show - SPR-PP-ADU-QLT-251

All audiences, one-hour lecture/trunk show, Fee $15
In this informative and entertaining trunk show I'll show you how to take that panel you fell in love with and turn it into something truly unique. You'll experience my good, bad and AH HA moments as I learned how to work with the different styles of panels and how adding interesting block treatments and borders and filling those pesky open spaces with patchwork or appliqué results in a truly special quilt. Lecture participants may arrive early to view the quilt show, 5 to 7 pm.
Instructor: Cyndi McChesney, min 30, max 100
Sat, April 12, 7:00 pm
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Panel Palooza Trunk Show 04/12/2025 -04/12/2025 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Sa Lake Metroparks Farmpark Ages 18 and older $15.00/$15.00
Montage Art Quilts using Panels

Montage Art Quilts using Panels - SPR-PP-ADU-QLT-253

All levels, 5-hours, design class, no sewing, Fee $76.50
Come play with me and create an even more exciting panel project - a montage using words, images and embellishments along with your multi-frame panel! In this workshop we'll dig deep into the creativity located within your panel, add images, words and ideas for embellishments to create a totally unique design you're sure to enjoy! You'll learn how to graph your own pieced pattern designs, create one-of-a-kind foundation pieced patterns and much more!
Instructor: Cyndi McChesney, min 10, max 18
Sat, April 12, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (includes 1 hour lunch break)
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Montage Art Quilts using Panels 04/12/2025 -04/12/2025 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Sa Lake Metroparks Farmpark Ages 18 and older $76.50/$76.50
Row by Row Using Panels - Let's Sew!

Row by Row Using Panels - Let's Sew! - SPR-PP-ADU-QLT-254

Row by Row Using Panels - let’s sew!
All levels, 6-hour, design class, sewing machine required, Fee $89.00
Explore the endless possibilities of creating a unique Row by Row panel quilt using a multi-frame panel. In this workshop, we will focus on enhancing the panel through the use of traditional quilt blocks, creating your own pieced or paper pieced and applique' blocks and highlighting those panel segments in unusual settings! The focus of this workshop is on how to make all the math work out. We will begin sewing in the second half of the day so that students can experience the joy of piecing together a block of their own creation and the success of inserting a panel image into a traditional block.
Instructor: Cyndi McChesney, min 10, max 18
Sun, April 13, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm (includes 1 hour lunch break)
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Row by Row Using Panels - Let's Sew! 04/13/2025 -04/13/2025 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Su Lake Metroparks Farmpark Ages 18 and older $89.00/$89.00