Program Registration

Spring Parks Plus! program registration begins Monday, January 20 for Lake County residents. Open registration begins Thursday, January 23. Winter program registration is open.

Summer Day Camp program registration begins Monday, January 27 for Lake County residents. Open registration begins Thursday, January 30.

To see current offerings and register for programs, please click the "Search" button below the Program Search Criteria box.

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Recommended browsers for our registration and reservation system are: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari.

WebTrac Activity Search

Search ResultsShowing results 1-20 of 69

Kids' Nature Club 2025 - WIN-PP-CHD-NATU-005

Calling all nature lovers! Are you anxious to hike through the woods and explore trails? Are you eager to see birds in flight, stars at night, clouds overhead and snakes underfoot? If you are the outdoorsy type, you'll love Kids Nature Club. This club meets on the first Saturday of each month from 10am to noon. For more information contact Kristin Snider at [email protected] or at 440-256-1404 x2114. Registration required.
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Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Kids' Nature Club 2025 01/04/2025 -12/06/2025* 10:00 am -12:00 pm Sa Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 8 to 12 $0.00/$0.00
Family Nature Night

Family Nature Night - WIN-PP-CF-NATU-009

Want to meet the Animal Ambassadors of the Kevin P. Clinton Wildlife Center up close? Meet a different Ambassador each month and learn about their importance to the environment. All participants must be registered, including adults.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Family Nature Night- Something to Crow About 02/06/2025 -02/06/2025 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Th Penitentiary Glen Reservation 6-99.99 $5.00/$5.00
Story Time in the Parks

Story Time in the Parks - WIN-PP-CHD-NATU-012

Let's explore and enjoy the wonders of winter with a selection of books chosen to highlight the season. Program includes a craft, activities, and park exploration in and outside.
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Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Unavailable Unavailable Story Time In The Parks: Over and Under the Snow 02/08/2025 -02/08/2025 10:00 am -11:00 am Sa Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 1 to 5 $5.00/$5.00
Unavailable Unavailable Story Time In The Parks: Over and Under the Snow 02/08/2025 -02/08/2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Sa Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 1 to 5 $5.00/$5.00
Cosmic Kids

Cosmic Kids - WIN-PP-CHD-NATU-001

Discover the wonders of the universe in this fast-paced program filled with crafts and hands-on fun.Take a 15-minute journey thru the stars in our inflatable planetarium.
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Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Cosmic Kids 02/13/2025 -02/13/2025 10:00 am -11:00 am Th Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 3 to 5 $5.00/$5.00
Add To Cart Available Cosmic Kids 02/13/2025 -02/13/2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Th Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 3 to 5 $5.00/$5.00
The Grandparent Connection

The Grandparent Connection - WIN-PP-CHD-NATU-013

Winter is a great time to explore nature with your grandchild. Enjoy specially-designed activities, including a craft, hike and a story.
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Add To Waitlist Waitlist The Grandparent Connection: Love Bug 02/14/2025 -02/14/2025 10:00 am -11:00 am F Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 2 to 5 $5.00/$5.00

Grossology - WIN-PP-CF-NATU-012

Many animals are active all winter, leaving tracks, scat, and other evidence for the careful observer to read. Let's find out who has been out and about in the park recently. What leaves a trail of slime as it slides along? Whoo-hoo coughs up pellets and why? And who left that sign behind? Explore fascinating facts and discover adaptations that wild animals use to survive. You will be surprised at all the cool and "gross" things we learn! We will have a special visit from one of our Animal Ambassadors at the end of the program. All participants must be registered, including adults.
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Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Grossology 02/14/2025 -02/14/2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm F Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 5 and older $5.00/$5.00
Kids Art in the Park

Kids Art in the Park - WIN-PP-CF-ART-006

Hey kids - let your creativity loose at Penitentiary Glen Reservation as we combine a nature walk with a variety of found materials to create unique art. Dress for the weather and for mess. All materials provided. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Kids Art in the Park 02/15/2025 -02/15/2025 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Sa Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 8 to 12 $5.00/$5.00
Story Time in the Parks

Story Time in the Parks - WIN-PP-CHD-NATU-012

Let's explore and enjoy the wonders of winter with a selection of books chosen to highlight the season. Program includes a craft, activities, and park exploration in and outside.
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Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Waitlist Waitlist Story Time In The Parks: Over and Under the Snow 02/19/2025 -02/19/2025 10:00 am -11:00 am W Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 1 to 5 $5.00/$5.00
Add To Waitlist Waitlist Story Time In The Parks: Over and Under the Snow 02/19/2025 -02/19/2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm W Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 1 to 5 $5.00/$5.00
The Mitten

The Mitten - WIN-PP-CHD-NATU-027

We will read a story about woodland creatures who find a lost mitten and then get to meet one of our Animal Ambassador woodland creatures. We will learn more about their habitat and how our wild animals survive our cold winters.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Waitlist Waitlist The Mitten 02/20/2025 -02/20/2025 10:00 am -11:00 am Th Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 3 to 5 $5.00/$5.00
Trivia Night at The Glen

Trivia Night at The Glen - WIN-PP-EVR-FUN-008

Come on down! You’re the next contestant on Penitentiary Glen’s Trivia Night! Join a naturalist and your friends as you play a Group-Style Trivia game centered around your parks and all of the fun facts and nature that surrounds them! All ages and skill levels are welcome! All participants must be registered, including adults. Every child registered under the age of 18 must be accompanied with an adult over the age of 18.
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Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Trivia Night at The Glen 02/21/2025 -02/21/2025 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm F Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 9 and older $0.00/$0.00
Star Lab Family Fun

Star Lab Family Fun - WIN-PP-CF-FUN-008

Introduce your family to the wonders of the night sky in the comfort of our StarLab planetarium. Explore the stars, planets and galaxies far beyond our atmosphere in a fun and factual way. All Participants must be registered, including adults.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Star Lab Family Fun 02/27/2025 -02/27/2025 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Th Penitentiary Glen Reservation 6-99.99 $0.00/$0.00
Look & See

Look & See - WIN-PP-CHD-NATU-007

Two-year-olds are never too busy to have wintertime fun! Each program includes a story, craft, and hike just terrific for twos!
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Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Look & See: Snowshoe Hare 02/28/2025 -02/28/2025 10:00 am -11:00 am F Penitentiary Glen Reservation Age 2 $5.00/$5.00
Nature Detectives

Nature Detectives - WIN-PP-CHD-NATU-008

Discover what makes winter wonderful by using your senses and natural curiosity. Each program includes a story, craft, and hike just perfect for preschoolers.
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Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Waitlist Waitlist Nature Detectives: Snowshoe Hare 02/28/2025 -02/28/2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm F Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 3 and 4 $5.00/$5.00
Look & See

Look & See - SPR-PP-CHD-NATU-007

Two-year-olds are never too busy to have springtime fun! Each program includes a story, craft, activities, and hike just terrific for twos!
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Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Look & See: Scratch & Sniff 03/03/2025 -03/03/2025 10:00 am -11:00 am M Penitentiary Glen Reservation Age 2 $5.00/$5.00
Nature Detectives

Nature Detectives - SPR-PP-CHD-NATU-009

Discover what makes spring wonderful by using your senses and natural curiosity. Each program includes a story, craft, activities, and hike just perfect for preschoolers.
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Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Waitlist Waitlist Nature Detectives: Scratch & Sniff 03/03/2025 -03/03/2025 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm M Penitentiary Glen Reservation Ages 3 and 4 $5.00/$5.00
Family Nature Night

Family Nature Night - SPR-PP-CF-NATU-016

Want to meet the Animal Ambassadors of the Kevin P. Clinton Wildlife Center up close? Each month we will meet a different ambassador and learn their personal story as well as their species' role in our ecosystem with a related hands on activity. All participants must be registered, including adults.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Cart Available Family Nature Night - Go North: Migratory Species 03/06/2025 -03/06/2025 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Th Penitentiary Glen Reservation 6-99.99 $5.00/$5.00
It's Feeding Time!

It's Feeding Time! - SPR-PP-CF-NATU-019

Ages 6 and up (Younger than 18 with adult)
Have you ever been curious about what our animal ambassadors eat and how we feed them? Join us for an up close experience of what feeding time looks like for our Birds of prey, Mammals and Herps!
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Res./Non-res.) Column #10
Add To Waitlist Waitlist It's Feeding Time! 03/08/2025 -03/08/2025 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Sa Penitentiary Glen Reservation 6-99.99 $5.00/$5.00